Veo Clubhouse Introducing new members list and permissions system 🏆 💅 These updates bring in new permission levels, which will allow players to become more involved with video content, enable team members to work more efficiently and provide coaches with an overview of their players' profiles. December 5, 2023
Firmware Update Veo Cam 2 firmware update - 2.2.1 Important firmware update – version 2.2.1 – now available for your Veo Cam 2. Fixes a 2.2.0 charging issue November 27, 2023
Veo Camera app Mobile Update VeoCamera iOS 3.1.1 Discover the latest VeoCamera iOS update with enhanced live-streaming, improved stability, accurate camera status, and streamlined subscription management for an even better user experience. November 24, 2023
Firmware Update Veo Cam 2 firmware update - 2.2.0 Assign recordings, image recalibration, bug fixes and performance improvements. November 22, 2023
Feature Release Veo Player Profile 💅 Improved Player Profile: pictures, play styles and more! Improved Veo Player Profiles: pictures, play styles and more! October 11, 2023
Feature Release Veo Camera app Mobile Update 💅 Instant Playback and sleek Camera App make-over We are thrilled to unveil a sleek redesign of our Veo Camera App plus a new, exciting upgrade; Instant Playback. August 30, 2023
Feature Release Veo Live Mobile Update Elevate Your Live Streaming Experience with Overlays Introducing Overlays: Elevate live streams with logos, promotions, and sponsors. August 28, 2023
Feature Release Veo Live Engaged fanbase? Find out with Insights Discover match views and follower count with Veo Live Insights, enabling you to unlock your live-streaming impact. August 25, 2023
Veo Analytics Understand your Possession We're making the next big advancements in feeding you with the AI-powered game data; your team's Possession Location. August 11, 2023